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Break Free from Negative Thought Patterns

UnityRises: Remembering your Divine Soul Blueprint

What are negative thought patterns? They are not so good thoughts that you or someone else placed in your mind; we choose whether we feed them or not. The good thing about thought patterns is that there are also the positive thoughts, but for now we are focusing on clearing the Negative ones. Let me get a little personal to explain how negative thought forms can hinder our Souls Blueprint.

I used to think that I was a mean person because my mom had told me I was mean for hitting her when I was a toddler. Now after having three kids of my own, I realized I was a normal kid! However, I held on to that belief of being mean for YEARS! Thinking I was just born with a bad attitude, and I was mean. Anytime I did anything nice, I second guessed myself. I would ask, "am I only being nice to them because I want something in return? Deep down inside I knew better but it was hard to break the thought of "I am mean".

Anytime those thoughts came in I was reminded of a story from when I was in elementary school. There was this boy who wore glasses he was a sweet little boy and super shy. He sat alone every day during PE and lunch so I would go up to him and talk to him. I still remember he would pour his water into the lid of his water bottle and drink it. I thought it was so intriguing how he was doing something out of the norm. I was reminded of times like that, so I could see how I had a big heart. Only that little voice would come in stronger, "You don't have a big heart you are mean remember?" I eventually started to realize this was a blueprint that I had instilled in my mind. It was not really me! It was time for me to break free from that negative thought.

People are walking around with many of these thoughts about themselves. Someone at work might think that you are incompetent, then one day you make one small mistake and start to think that it is true. Which leads to you thinking less about yourself and interrupts your Divine Soul Blueprint. It can happen when you are five and don't even remember who said it. These words penetrate into our minds, and we start forming our own beliefs about ourselves based on them. Words definitely do hurt! It is time to release those thought patterns now!

Release the old stories

One thing that helped me release those negative thought patterns was journaling and taking the time to get to know myself. Take the time to ask yourself: Who am I? Who am I in the eyes of myself? Who am I in the eyes of my divine creator? Ask yourself questions and sit in the stillness of your breath to feel the truth. Writing down the negative beliefs and burning it feels really good also. Plus, it's a great activity to share with the kids. When we come here, we have a Divine Soul Blueprint. Now is the perfect time to remember what that is and step into embracing the truth of who we are. Are you in alignment with your soul blueprint or are you in alignment with what other people think about you? Message me below so we can remember your Divine Soul Blueprint.

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