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Embracing Unity

Let us remember that we are all one. This means we are all connected to Source, to God, to the Universe, to each other. Seems like we like to forget about that one a lot; We are all connected to each other! This is why we can be telepathic and empathic. We are all energy and in this together. We can feel ripples of the other in our emotions from miles away. we can feel the collective energy and sometimes feel like it's our own. Makes you think since we are all one, is it my own? In a way it is. we are all one. instead of ignoring the feeling that arises during hard times in our country and the world, instead of pushing it aside, we can choose to send love to all the feelings and emotions that arise. Send love to all the souls that are suffering, that are in survival mode, that are in fear. Send love to the words, send love to each other. No matter what that person has done to you they deserve love. Why? because we are all one. Sending love to all that does not serve us transmutes it to higher frequencies. It is so important to find love with in before you can love another because all those faults that you see in yourself you will end up seeing in those around you. When we can accept our faults we can accept it in others. When you love yourself you love everyone. We are all one.

That is where we must begin. Love ourselves and Send love to those around you no matter what. Don't feel sorrow for those suffering and in need. That is only putting energy into those words and sending energy of "we don't believe they can make it." Which will cause more sorrow and need. Instead feel appreciative of what they have and of what you have. Imagine each other lifting up and reaching our full protentional. Show gratitude for them being in your life and gratitude for them showing you where you can shift in your own life. We are all one and on this journey together. We are in this together as one. When we can shine our brightest! we will help others do the same and there will be the same ripple effect as mentioned before. Only this ripple is changing your life and other lives for the highest good of everyone. Shine your light and be all that you can be for the highest good of all.

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